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Original art by Zsuzsa Londe

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.”  - Georgia O’Keeffe

Zsuzsa Londe is an abstract artist working in Los Angeles, California.  She has moved to California from Hungary, and now she is happy to feel at home in both places. Zsuzsa came late to artistic expression which allows her to draw on a rich life full of travels and experiences. Colors drive the compositions of this self-taught artist, and she refers to Georgia O’Keefe (left) when she says: “painting is my way of speaking – and I have a lot to say.”

Meet the Artist

Zsuzsa Londe 

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PhD - Applied Linguistics - UCLA
MA - Applied Linguistics - UCLA
BA - Linguistics (summa cum laude) - UCLA
Simultaneous Interpretation (French) - Budapest/Hungary
College of Foreign Trade and Business – Budapest/Hungary

Languages: Hungarian, English, German, French, Italian

She went back to school in Los Angeles/US and got a PhD in Applied Linguistics. After retiring, she can now focus on artistic expression.  She has taken a long series of art classes over the years in Los Angeles, Budapest, and Tuscany, and the "world-wide-web" and keeps learning from others to improve her technical and artistic skills.  She lives in Los Angeles with her husband.

Academic CV

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About the Artistic Process

The world doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?”  (Pablo Picasso)
My aim is to create mostly abstract work often by combining lyrical and powerful images, or by creating a combination of colors and shapes or just geometrical elements that evoke good feelings. Colors drive my ideas which I let percolate in my head until it becomes clear what the outcome should be at which point I go through a certain urgency to put the ideas on canvas. This is when I get into the state of “flow,” but the process of getting the outcome I imagined can take weeks or months. The feeling of "done" is 
ecstatic - each time.


Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions:

Los Angeles, USA

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